Enhancing Twitter

12:37:00 PM by Corey

Found some enhancements you can do to Twitter, if using Firefox browser.
This will give you the result
shown in the screenshot. (removed all names for privacy)

In summary, when you are done setting this up, you will have nested replies to easily follow conversations, embedded media, tweets will auto-update (no longer have to hit refresh), a RT button next to each post to auto-fill in the text box, short URL's will be expanded, and never have to hit a "more" button: the page will keep expanding automatically as you scroll down...

1) install firefox browser if you're not using it yet, http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/
2) install greasemonkey extension for firefox, https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/748
3) restart firefox
4) install this script for greasemonkey,
@troynt's Twitter Script
5) install this script for greasemonkey,Endless Tweets
6) refresh twitter website
7) on the right side of the page, underneath the orange RSS feed button, there's a checkbox to auto-update. make sure it's checked if you want twitter to auto-update new tweets.

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